Art Teaching
A portfolio of Ginger's work with students as an Art Educator Online and In-Person;
Licensed to teach Visual Arts grades PK-12 in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Students learn about Synesthesia. Students imagine if they could visualize and then draw the unique music they hear in class using various lines.

A display of two different projects: 1) Positive Affirmation Self-Portraits 2)Cityscapes.

Second grade students studied the meaning of cats throughout art history and then learned how to draw their own cat portrait with a patterned background.

First Grade students learned about primary colors and how to create secondary colors on their hand drawn organic and geometric shapes. Students then learned to to cut, glue, and create a collage of a happy shape person!

First Grade students learned about primary colors and how to create secondary colors on their hand drawn organic and geometric shapes. Students then learned to to cut, glue, and create a collage of a happy shape person!

A collection of various art projects from Spring 2021 with First Graders.

A collection of various art projects from Spring 2021 with First Graders.

Students learned to make a rectangular tree, studied the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival traditions, and then learned how to create a landscape. Students also learned to cut, pinch, and glue cherry blossoms onto their artwork.

Every year in each of my classrooms I dedicate a special area to any art gifts my students bring to me. This is their special Art Gallery space for the whole school year!

...for receiving a lovely compliment from a kind student during online hybrid learning in 2020-2021.

During the Online Learning phase of 2020-2021, I put out packets of extra art supplies for students in need for parents to pick-up.

Front of Classroom.

Back of Classroom with grade level Salon style art galleries.

My classroom set up in a trailer at School #2.

My classroom set up in a trailer at School #2.

My classroom set up in a trailer at School #2.

My classroom set up in a trailer at School #2.

An Art 1 High School Student showing off her impressive Perspective Drawing skills. During the 2005-2006 school year, I taught Art 1 and Photography 1 classes at the High School level.

When I would leave my art classroom to teach in the photo room, sometimes I would return to very kind notes from students. Also on the chalkboard is a printmaking project example for Art 1 students.

When I would leave my art classroom to teach in the photo room, sometimes I would return to very kind notes from students.